Resource Update to Add New Users

Recently a client asked how to use ProcessFlow Integrator to add new users into Lawson Security from their active directory. I gave them two simple choices - we could use the SQL Query (which would require a JDBC connection to their database) or we could use the DataIterator to read a text file they created from their AD.

They decided the DataIterator would fit their business requirements and are creating a file of new users daily. That just left me to create the ProcessFlow.

I first used a FileAccess node to make sure the file exists and a Branch to connect to the DataIterator if the file is there. The DataIterator reads the line of data (instead of each data element separately) and I use an Assign node to parse out the comma separated values (see my previous post for a similar example).

The next step is the ResourceUpdate to add the users. I was surprised just how much information I could add - like Roles, Email Address, Employee Number, etc.

After looping through all of the records in the CSV text file I used another FileAccess to delete the file and the flow was complete.