ProcessFlow Approval Views

If you're using Design Studio, you can use the formlet tool in the Portal Page design to display the requisition (RQ10) form for approval review instead of building an HTML page to display.
However, if you're like my current client you don't want to click around so much to get to the information you want. We went through various designs and finally came up with one they liked.
Stage 1: Create a modified RQ10 and take away buttons, tabs and fields the approver doesn't need.
Stage 2: Use a reformatted RQ10 Header only and use a Data Query to display the line detail.
Stage 3: Use a reformatted RQ10 Header and a TextArea to write information extracted from DME calls and the getattachrec.exe program for comments so that you can display information from multiple tables.

It's like I always say, you are only limited by your imagination (for the most part).

Using Lawson's getattachrec.exe CGI to retrieve your comments

This sample is pulling the display only comments from the PO Header when a button is clicked and alert it.

function BUTTON_OnClick(id, row)
if (id!="push10") return true;
var vProd = portalWnd.oUserProfile.getAttribute("productline");
s = "/cgi-lawson/getattachrec.exe?_OUT=XML&_PDL=" + vProd;
s += "&_FN=PURCHORDER&_IN=PCRSET1&K1=1"; //Company
s += "&K2=" + lawForm.getFormValue("text6"); //PO Code
s += "&K3=" + lawForm.getFormValue("text4"); //PO Number
s += "&K4=" + lawForm.getFormValue("text5"); //PO Release
var getCmnt = portalWnd.httpRequest(s);
var Cmntback = getCmnt.xml;
//Manipulate the data you receive back in order pull the actual comment out.
var B = Cmntback.indexOf("AttData")
var E = Cmntback .indexOf("/AttData")
var myComment = Cmntback.substr(B+23,E-B-32)

I had previously listed the PO Header Comment Types and thought this might be useful.
Requisition Header Comment Types
I - Comments to Print on Headers of Internal Documents
Q - Comments to Print on Requisitions
P - Comments to Print on Purchase Orders
T - Comments to Print on a PO as Trailer Comments
L - Comments to Print on Pick Lists
R - Comments to Print on Receiving Documents
O - Requisition Header Display Only Comments
B - Bill to Address Comments
D - Comments to Print on Delivery Tickets